Sönerna is a male choir at Södermanlands- Nerikes nation. The choir was founded in 2021.
The choir
Sönerna is a male choir that focuses on creating a fun and enriching musical community. Each semester, we organize two major concerts independently, and we frequently perform at the nation's gasques and gatherings. Additionally, we often perform in smaller groups as entertainment at dinners and similar events outside the nation environment. Once a year, we embark on a trip or tour to perform in other locations, both domestically and internationally. Rehearsals for Sönerna take place on Thursdays from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM at Södermanlands-Nerikes Nation.

Photo: Tiemo Schramm

Photo: Knud Mortensen
Our conductor
Martin Hellberg is educated as a choir conductor at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm and is currently studying to become a church musician, also at the Royal College of Music. Despite his young age, he has an extensive CV with several prominent merits. In the summer of 2022, he was awarded "most perspective conductor born after 1997" at the International Choral Conductors' Competition in Preveza. In June 2023, he came in second place in the Northern Choir Conducting Competition. Since 2022, Martin has been a chorister and assistant conductor in S:t Jacobs Chamber Choir and has been substituting since January in Hägersten Chamber Choir. Between 2019 and 2022, he led the mixed choir SNerikekören of Södermanlands-Nerike Nation.
The history of the choir
It was when their time in a high school choir was nearing its inevitable end that a group of friends decided that they were not yet finished with neither club activities nor choir singing. Because of this they gathered a group of talented people from the choir's graduates and began to look for someone who could lead the new project musically.
Two years earlier, the high school choir's conductor at the time, Martin Hellberg, had the same idea - an unrealized vision of a continued choir with the singers he himself met during his high school years. Therefore he was not difficult to convince when he was asked to participate in the choir as its leader and conductor.
This is how the idea of the nation choir was created, which became Sönerna in the spring of 2021. The choir then had its first concert that fall, and was met with a packed audience and a standing ovation. In February 2022, Sönerna was formally recognized as an association at Snerike's nation, and thus began its journey as an official nation choir in Uppsala.

Our choristers
First tenor
Rheza Andika
Andreas Bodegård
Albin Cato
Jacob Ringström
Nils Rörby
Klara Westman
Marcus Wiig
First bass
Olof Carlberg
Vincent Coleman
Anton De Geer
Pascal Gardström
Daniel Holmqvist
Martin Höög
Ivan Noreland
Elton Price
Johan Raab
Axel Riben
Second tenor
Zakarias Brounéus
Eric Carlberg
Thor Edoff Stolt
Emil Florin
Henry Kontturi
Kristian Lindholm
Ansgar Modin
Felix Reineck
Otto Reineck
Emil Sand
Second bass
Christoffer Bengts
Lukas de Bruin
Erik Hallström
Oscar Nilsson
Arvid Pettersson Sjöberg
Viktor Rudfeldt
Olof Rörby
Gustaf von Sydow
Jonatan Wilund
Axel Ödeen

About the nation of Södermanland-Nerike
Södermanland-Nerike's nation, often called Snerike's, is one of Uppsala's 13 student nations. The nation was founded in 1805 through the merge of two already existing nations, Södermanlands and Nerikes. Both nations had existed long before the merge - in 1595 and 1648 respectively. The foundation of the Södermanland nation at the end of the 16th century makes it the oldest nation in the Nordics.
In 1897, Snerike's current nation house was inaugurated, located at S:t Olofsgatan 14. With its 6,000 members, Snerike's nation is today one of Uppsala's largest.
Photo: Joel Carlberg